“Healthy Communities: Sustainable Environments”
Welcome to the Global Health Practitioner Conference 2024
#GHPC24 aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss equitable solutions for pressing health needs due to the interface between communities and climate, and how collaboration will improve health, enable quality programs, and advance coherent policies for Primary Health Care and beyond. #GHPC24 will focus on:
COMMUNITIES and their health. We will examine how community health workers, community engagement, community-based surveillance, and community approaches, can promote health, provide health services, prevent disease, and prepare for future outbreaks and health emergencies.
CLIMATE and our environment, and how agriculture, animal health, food security, and climate change affect our future health and well-being.
COLLABORATION between communities, practitioners, governments, private sectors, and multi-stakeholders from different technical areas and how we can share best practices and work better together for improved health outcomes, in the development and humanitarian contexts.
Objectives of #GHPC24